
DelVer is based off of Semantic Versioning 2.0, DelVer is currently used on the majority of projects by Discord Extreme List (bot, website, lgbt-website, blog-casper, etc.)


The structure (by release type) for DelVer is shown below:

Production/Stable Releases


Example: v1.0.0-Release

Beta Releases


Example: v1.0.0-Beta.1

Alpha Releases


Example: v1.0.0-Alpha.1

Versioning Layout

The verisoning layout for DelVer is shown below:

Production/Stable Releases


A signifies Critical Update - Critical updates are a complete redesign of the frontend theme(s) or a complete rewrite of the backend code.
B signifies Feature Update - A feature update is an update that includes features such as Vanity URLs, etc.
C signifies Minor Update - Minor updates are typically either hotfixes, bug fixes or very minor feature adjustments.

Beta/Alpha Releases


A signifies Critical Update - Critical updates are a complete redesign of the frontend theme(s) or a complete rewrite of the backend code.
B signifies Feature Update - A feature update is an update that includes features such as Vanity URLs, etc.
C signifies Minor Update - Minor updates are typically either hotfixes, bug fixes or very minor feature adjustments.

Channel signifies the release channel - Either Alpha or Beta.
D signifies the Alpha/Beta version - There can be multiple Alpha and Beta builds for a single version.